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Metal Recycling
India is known as the Great Grand Father of the metallurgical industry. The art of bronze casting had been practised for several centauries in India. Copper and bronze were perhaps the earliest Non-Ferrous Metals which the man shaped into tools.

Metal is a part of the Indian mystique as each Metal has its own alchemic and healing powers”; documented in the ancient Indian Scriptures written over 5000 years ago. As the metal industry faces a huge challenge with its limited resource, it is imperative to recycle the existing metal scrap
Ferrous Scrap
Today we can hardly imagine life without Steel. Steel, which is an Iron alloy containing carbon, is by far the most used ferrous alloy in our daily appliances. We touch or use ferrous alloys every day and can imagine the enormous application of Iron. From domestic usage (refrigerators, washing machines, microwaves, stoves, burners, furniture, cars etc.) to industrial use (equipments, tools, burners, heavy trucks, computers, nut bolts etc.), today we are totally dependent on these ferrous metals. We understand the minimum resources that we have and hence, “Recycling is Imperative”.

Nearly, 40% of the world’s annual steel comes from scrap recycling. Because of the reducing resources of iron ore & the large costs of building a blast furnace, the smelting from EAF becomes a prominent requirement. Thus, at Sunmax Hydraulic, we understand the nitty gritty of processing ferrous scrap, from baling to shredding to shearing & thus, we manufacture a large range of equipments for recycling the ferrous scrap.
The most commonly used non-ferrous metals are aluminium, copper, lead, zinc, nickel, titanium, cobalt, chromium and precious metals. Millions of tonnes of nonferrous scrap are recovered annually and used by smelters, refiners, ingot makers, foundries, and other manufacturers. Secondary materials are essential to the industry’s survival because even new metals often require the combined use of recycled materials. All metals can be recycled with minimal or no loss of their original physical properties. They are such versatile materials that the possible applications for each metal and their combinations are endless.
Aluminium has (great recycling potential) and is often re-used for the same application for which it was originally manufactured. Its strength, flexibility and light weight, make it ideal for:
  • Building & construction
  • Transportation
  • Packaging
  • Electricity
  • Cooking and tableware.
After silver, copper has the best electrical conductivity of all the elements. It is also very good thermal conductor and is readily alloyed with other metals such as lead, tin and zinc for foundry applications to produce, among other goods, products for the transmission of water such as valves. Other common applications for recovered copper include:
  • Electrical applications
  • Piping
  • Roofing and insulation
  • Household items
Most of recycled lead is used in batteries but there are other applications as well. They are:
  • Car batteries
  • Colouring
  • Radiation protection
Zinc is present in our day to day lives in the form of coins. It is also used in:
  • Galvanisation
  • Batteries
  • Brass (Alloy of Zinc & Copper)
Apart from precious metals, tin is one of the most expensive non-ferrous metals. Hence, its recycling from secondary materials is very important. Its varied applications are:
  • Cans
  • Car production
  • Springs
  • Glass
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